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Thursday, May 26, 2011

May Horoscopes

Aries 3/21 - 4/19
This isn't going to be the best month for you if you don't start focusing in class. The year is ending, yes, but you need to stay strong and get better grades or you're going to lose your touch and go downhill.

Leo 7/23 - 8/22
Save up! Financially, you're working hard. But things aren't going to work if you keep spending all your time and money on something you don't need.

Sagittarius 11/22 - 12/21
You are being stubborn this month. If you don't start listening to other advice, or constructive criticism you won't be in a good position later on.

Taurus 4/20 - 5/20
You have control over how your grades, friends, parents and your emotions affect you. Nothing should overwhelm you, you have more power than you think.

Virgo 8/23 - 9/22
To gain respect, you must give it. People don't hand you what you want, you must earn it.

Capricorn 12/22 - 1/19
This month is the month for creativity. You need to put some love into that creative outlet of yours and let it all go. Take the stress out of your days: school, family, money, work, everything; let it all go.

Gemini 5/21 - 6/21
You should be proud. You have great balance this month. You are able to balance your work with your schooling with your family with your hobbies with your friends. Congratulations.

Libra 9/23 - 10/22
You cannot control how others act. If they purposely try to out-argue you, ignore them. Don't let negative people affect you. You're better than them, just don't say so.

Aquarius 1/20 - 2/18
Look closely at the details. Look even closer, the fine print. Something dangerous is brewing in your future. Beware.

Cancer 6/22 - 7/22
You need a break. Your stress might be the death of you. Take some time off, it'll be worth it.

Scorpio 10/23 - 11/21
Romance is in your future, whether you like it or not. What's the most ironic, is that you'll find it in a place you never expected.

Pisces 2/19 - 3/20
This month, you'll notice people don't always keep their promises. Let this be a warning. They will be a great disappointment.

Friday, May 20, 2011

A New Royal Wedding?

THE very recent wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton was the wedding of the century. My sister, recently married in January, would disagree! Her wedding was "the" wedding. Don't bust her bubble, but, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge had the most memorable wedding since the Princess Diana dress of the century.

Strangely enough, the wedding had such impact because the bride, Kate, kept her wedding simple. So simple, in fact, it was shocking. People expected hrer to outshine Diana. Princess Diana was said to be the most beautiful bride of the century. A young mother of Prince William, she passed away August 31st 1997. Her boyfriend and driver had also died in the fatal car accident in a road tunnel in Paris.

We respect the beautiful relationship, and the death of a beautiful mother. The wedding was gorgeous. It had flowers and red isle going on for miles. The duchess' dress was simple, yet intricate. Lace going up her arms, and she modelled a very a deep V neck. She remained classic not overly vulgar or sexy. Very natural, not overdone. Kate does that consantly in all of her outfits.

The theme of the wedding was hats. No doubt, everyone wore some kind of outrageous hat. The queen, Victoria Beckham and all of the women wore a hat. Some outrageous, some classy. Most of them hideous. The two evil step-sisters wore the ugliest dresses and hats I have ever seen. But that's their personal style.

The best man wore a very handsome uniform, so did the groom. Their charming smiles brought a essence of love and happiness to the wedding.

The train of the bride was elongated by the white dress of the maid of honor, Pippa. Her dress was magnificent enough to be a wedding dress itself. It's very taboo for a maid of honor to wear white, but it gives her a whole new light. She looked remarkable.

Pippa's green Alexander McQueen gown made fashion critics and members of the church gasp. Both dresses, the wedding dress and after party dress were both absolutely marvelous. But holy individuals say, the party dress was too scandalous. Her plunging neckline, worn exactly the same by her sister only hours before, did not have the same reaction. Plunging necklines must have been a trend that day. Nonetheless, Pippa's after gown sparkled the dancefloor. Nothing was going to ruin the reception.

Except maybe the romance between the best man, Harry, and the maid of honor, Pippa. Their chemistry was ummistakable. They hit it off powerfully and we all sort of wish, well I sort of wish, they had a real romance. They hung out with each other more and more throughout the evening. But sadly enough, Harry has a girlfriend. A trashy girlfriend, at that. She parties every single night and sometimes goes out with Harry. I, personally, don't like her. She's bad for him, he needs a good woman. Pippa, on the other hand has a different sort of sophistication about her. She's not a party kind of girl, unlike her sister. Kate was a hard partier when she first started dating William. She's dating a successful stockbroker. So there's no real romance. But we all sort of imagine what it would be like. There's still hope. We're all waiting for a second royal wedding.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lady Gaga with horns?

Lady Gaga

Gaga has always been a very eccentric and creative icon in music. She's passed the limits of Madonna's reign and now has hit extreme stardom. Her new stunt now plays with the laws of nature. According to NBC, she went through with a trans dermal surgical procedure; a procedure in which a prosthetic implant is inserted. Not only was it risky, but beyond bizarre for a lot of people.

Personally she's giving out the wrong message. Her album titled, "born this way" is a complete contradiction against her little stunt. I always saw Gaga as a hero. Standing up for individuality and expressing who each and every one of us are.

Lady Gaga started out as a very bright and unique artist. Exactly what American pop fans were craving. Her outrageous actions have led to more and more fans. Her gay rights movement turned fans into crazed supporters.

She sent out words of strength and hope for gays, lesbians and bisexuals all over America, demanding rights and the same opportunities as straights. I agreed with her most of the time, because she really was an empowering person.

Her horn stunt has really taken down a lot of my appreciation. People love musicians for their music and what they do in real life. I like them according to their personal lives, their actions and what they want to accomplish for the future. Lady Gaga has been a huge influence on me and what I do, basically every day. I'll still buy all of her Cd's but her little horn stunt is politically wrong. It encourages young people to accept plastic surgery as a way to make yourself more "beautiful". Even though it's giving 90210 plastic surgeon Robert Rey more clients, it's ripping away beautiful self confidence. There's an article on USA Today, with an interview explaining Gaga's reasonings on the "horns."

Her explanations are truly... what's the word .. interesting? Sometimes, I believe her actions are solely to attract attention.

It's erasing the ability to maintain self-love in this disastrous society we live in. Hopefully Lady Gaga can do something else to catch our attention and will send out a positive message for the 21st century generation.

Monday, April 11, 2011

April Horoscopes

Taurus April 20th - May 20
Your independence sparks the birth of your successful future. Keep it up, this is the start of a great relationship... with yourself and your academic future.

Virgo August 23 - September 23
Your happiness will bring warmth to everyone around you during hard times during this stressful end-of-the-school-year assignments. This great essence about you will attract great people that will keep your happiness and success going strong.

Scorpio October 24 - November 21st

We all go through rough times throughout the year, it could be school, work, money or family but no matter what don't let it overwhelm you. You were born with the strength to accomplish anything, always keep that in mind.

Sagittarius November 22nd - December21
Good grades are coming your way, no matter if you are feeling a bit down in the dumps. Look at the obstacles half full, stay positive and you'll feel a brighter and more optimistic.

Pisces February 19th - March 20th
If you are confused about what move to take next, follow your instinct. Slow down and really emmerse yourself into the lectures and classes. Sometimes when things are moving to fast, our progress truly slows down.

Libra September 23rd - October 23rd
You might feel a bit mischievous this month, remember what to keep calm about and what to go crazy with. Your friends and classmates are happy to be around the confident side of you, once again.

Leo July 23rd - August 22nd
Meeting new friends will make your entire month great. Seeing new, fresh faces will help your open up to new things about yourself that you didn't know. These people will put you on a great path for your school life.

Gemini May 21st - June 21st
You're planning something very important for school or work, or even friends. But plan carefully, this is a sensitive obstacle that could change everything. This is the time where knowing yourself comes in very handy.

Capricorn December 22nd - January 19th
You need to bump up your skills. A time like this requires a lot of research, passion and work for all of your classes. But it will be worth a lot. Give it your all because you'll be proud when you see the result.

Aries March 21th - April 19th
This month brings confidence, it brings you a great ego, but be warned. Such pride in oneself and one's work can be very dangerous.

Cancer June 21st - July 22nd
Unexpected things are entering your school life, but stay fierce! Stay confident because you know how to keep your grades high, your work ethic will help you.

Aquarius January 20th - February 18th
Like Taylor Lautner, Aquarius' are goal-oriented. Surprising things can happen, but if you stay organized and keep your mind toward the future, you will achieve your academic ambitions.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Australian Bully Fight

10th grader, Casey Heyens, was bullied by a 7th grader for years. Obviously bullying is never tolerated under any circumstances. I completely agree with showing this bully who's boss. It's completely different than bringing a gun to school and showing them who's boss; which is not accepted in my rule books. Giving the kid a sprained ankle will send out a different message than murder. That's what I agree with, some parents ask, "When will it end? We must discipline those who attack." I don't feel the victims should be punished at all. That individual was being mocked, why should he be in trouble?

The fact is, bullying is obviously being praised by all of the approved comments on youtube. Naturally, in both male and female adolescent teens, "standing up for yourself" is approved. As long as you can keep it under control and you don't make a habit of it. See for yourself. The little 7th grader got pulverized! Go Casey.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Brain Donations for Science

Dave Duerson
Former defensive back for the Chicago Bears, Dave Duerson passed away last Thursday, the 17th. It was sad that such a great player couldn't have extended his reign any longer. He played 11 years for the NFL and was chosen to play in the Pro Bowl four times. He decided that he should donate his brain for the Boston University Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy. He committed suicide after sending text messages to his family mebers saying he wanted his brain donated. I personally wouldn't have a text message deciding the fate of my brain. He was deeply concerned about his brain disease.
Encephalopathy is a cronic disease that is caused by numerous attacks to the skull. Obviously, the football career had caused the disease. But why haven't many other football players recieved the illness? This trauma can cause dementia, depression and most likely will lead to suicide. He shot himself in the heart in his home in Florida. He was only 50. I believe this really was a sad occurrence and we should honor his passing as a brave one, and a hero to those suffering from encephalopathy.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Scary Gas Prices

It's been the talk of the middle aged taxpayers; the gas prices have went up 45 cents, locally, in the past two weeks. It doesn't seem to be a lot for some, but for others, they say, "I'm losing 5$ to $10 a day." This might be a national scandal, and it will affect everyone.

The Libyan war is one of the main causes. The financial downturn is spreading through many regions and it's not looking good. This worries me, I don't like how we are blaming Africa for financial mistakes and problems. I think that we need to try harder to stop depending on foreign oil. Issues like this causes war all over the country. This is why people get outraged and wars start.

Are we going to see ridiculous high gas prices like we did in 2008? The controversial price of $4.05 in July set numerous people off. Personally, I am worried. I'm going to be getting a car soon and working two jobs on minimum wage isn't going to cut it, whatsoever. I want to have a car that runs nicely, and I know the prices are going to be high and hard to deal with. Gas prices are going to be an extremely hard struggle to work with, at my age. No matter what, if you are depending on your own incoem from work, gas prices are going to affect you.

What is anybody to do? We are just going to have to wait around until they go up or back down, patiently. Let's all hope some good things will happen with the prices. Let's hope it goes back to 50 cents! That'd be a dream.